Massage by Barry

Based in Kilchberg, Zurich, CH

In-studio & mobile services

Starting at $100

10 a.m. - 10 p.m. every day

Deep Tissue, Sports, Swedish & 3 other techniques


Are you stressed from work or travelling? Do you just need to get away a while to get some relaxing massage? Then this is the place for you.

Whether you are just visiting Zurich, or living here, I can ensure you, that you will be taken care of with the best personal care. I offer Relax Massage, Classic Massage, Sport Massage or Customized Massage to your needs. I offer treatments at my studio, but if you prefer to get the... treatment in your own home or hotel-room instead, I will bring a massage-table to your door-step.


Based in Kilchberg, Zurich, CH 8802 Mobile services within 10 miles

At Barry's studio
At your home, office or hotel

Barry's Signature Massage

Spa-quality bodywork, tailored to you, blending a range of techniques, from Deep Tissue to Trigger Point

45 min.
60 min.
90 min.

Payments & Discounts
  • Cash accepted
Additional Info

Techniques: Deep Tissue, Lomi Lomi, Orthopedic, Sports, Swedish, Trigger Point

Experience: 15 years

In-studio amenities: Drinking Water, Heated Massage Table, Music

Mobile extras: Heated Massage Table, Massage Table, Music